
The financial plan only really works well if we have the connection and understanding.

If we start out from a strictly financial viewpoint, then we can miss many opportunities. That’s because we are not testing the requirements against other important factors, such as mental and physical wellbeing, values and family orientated priorities.

For example, I think it is just as important to spend quality time with family and friends, as it is to try and make a big return on our invested funds, or to work 16-hour days to build a business.

I like the idea of making great returns when I invest, and developing a highly successful business, but this type of ambition should not be at the expense of non-financial qualities such as spending time with family, and looking after other people.

It should not cost us our health, nor our sanity. We should not be in a position, ever, where we are worried about money.

My qualifications and expertise allow me to advise you to get the right solutions to your widest requirements, as I can translate what you are wishing to achieve, both short and long-term into a coherent plan.

My way of working is to develop a rapport, that spans a wide arc, taking into account the financial and non-financial, finding the right balance, as this is a crucial part of an effective plan.

In my experience this has an ironic outcome, it commonly produces a better financial plan, as we develop an ease of working which leads to less stress and effortless success.

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